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Missouri Ranch
Horse Association

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Fri Feb 8th, 09:30 AM
ARHA World Show Results

MoRHA at the ARHA World Show
July 7th - July 12th
The ARHA World Show is now complete and MoRHA members were very successful! MoRHA member, Katie Shadowens was high point youth. Elizabeth Weir was Reserve until the last class, Ranch Roping, but made a great showing winning 3 World Championships, 2 Reserves, and numerous top 10 placings. Quintana Garcia won a World Championship in 2 Yr Old In-Hand Trail; Sheryl Haviland won 1 World Championship, 2 Reserves, and additional top 10's; Mona Prater won a Reserve in yearling in - hand trail; Patrick Prater won Reserve WC in Novice Youth Ranch Riding; Mary Grace Warren won a WC in Sr. Trail, and top 10's; Autumn Kosbar won a number of top 10's; and Kelsey Wilson did sagreat job and placed in the top 10 several times. MORHA member Tammy Sapkowsky, from Massachusetts, won the Sr. Ranch Horse Challenge.
It was a long week, but very rewarding. Even though the number of entries made some classes last until 5 AM, the great prizes, company and fun made the week an overall blast!