Welcome to the
Missouri Ranch
Horse Association

Official results from our individual 2024 shows can be found on the ARHA website.
To be eligible for year end awards, both the horse owner and exhibitor must be MoRHA members.
Inclusion on these overall standings does not imply year-end award eligibility. Memberships will be verified at the
end of the show season.
Questions regarding class results and standings should be emailed to terri@graymareshows.com
All Around Division High Point and Class Standings for the 2024 show season are available below. These results are the overall standings and do not reflect award eligibility (ie membership and number of show requirements).
MoRHA Year-End Award Rules
1. MoRHA points shall count only after payment of MoRHA membership has been made or after intention to join MoRHA has been made on entry form together with a blank check left with the MoRHA horse show office staff prior to the beginning of the MoRHA show in order for points obtained at that show to count towards year-end awards.
2. Only MoRHA and ARHA points accumulated at MoRHA shows shall be eligible for high-point award consideration. Points awarded at other ARHA Charter events do not count toward any MoRHA year-end totals.
3. Horse Owner and Exhibitor must be a member in good standing with ARHA and MoRHA at the time of competition and at the time Year-End awards are totaled to be eligible for awards.
4. Points are accumulated on a one horse/one rider basis for youth and amateur awards. Points accumulated in the open division (all-age) are on the individual horse.
5. Points shall accumulate according to the ARHA guidelines, with the exception that one MoRHA point will be given to any horse/exhibitor when they are the sole exhibitor in a class, unless they are disqualified (DQ’d). In this case no points are awarded. This one point will be included in total year-end points for MoRHA.
6. Awards will be presented at the annual Awards Banquet.
7. To be eligible for MoRHA Year End Awards, an exhibitor/horse is required to enter any class at no less than four (4) shows (showing to 4 judges) held in the State of Missouri.
a. Two-Year-Old Ranch Riding – All points earned will be counted. Any 4 shows/judges will count toward meeting this requirement, as this class is not held until June of the show year.
8. To be considered for High Point or Reserve in all divisions (Open, Amateur, Youth, Novice Amateur, and Novice Youth), exhibitor/horse must compete in at least one cattle event (offered in that division) at a minimum of four (4) Missouri shows (under 4 judges).
9. All current MoRHA members in good standing shall be eligible for year-end awards consideration without remuneration toward such awards.
10. First and Second place awards will be presented to the top two (2) point earners in each class. Additional placing awards (3rd-5th) may be given upon the decision of the Board when funds are available.
11. Special Achievement Awards may be presented at horse shows at the discretion of the Board of Directors if funds are available.
12. Description of All Aged, Amateur and Youth ARHA classes:
a. All Age (Open Division): Classes are open to all contestants regardless of age or status possessing a current ARHA card or copy of card.
b. Amateur: Must possess and present a current ARHA Amateur Card or copy of card (see ARHA Rule Book for specific requirements to obtain and maintain) an amateur designation).
c. Youth: Must be 18 years or under on January 1, and present a current ARHA Youth Card, or copy of card (See ARHA Rule Book for specific requirements to obtain and maintain a youth designation).
d. Novice Divisions: The Novice designation is decided at the ARHA National Office. To be eligible to compete in these Divisions it must be designated on your ARHA membership – Youth or Amateur Card.
13. Youth or Amateurs receiving a Novice designation in the Cattle Only division will be considered for high point all-around champion awards in their regular Division only. If a Youth or Amateur Exhibitor is eligible for the Novice cattle classes, and chooses to show in both (for example Youth Ranch Cutting and Novice Youth Ranch Cutting) at any show only points from one class will count. The club will use the class with the highest placing for that exhibitor at that show to be counted toward the year-end Youth All-Around Championship designation (Youth Novice Cutting – Placed 3rd of 10 – 8 MoRHA Points/Youth Cutting 6th of 10 – 5 MoRHA Points: The Year-End point balance for High Point All-Around would only reflect the Youth Novice Cutting Points from that show. The Exhibitor still accumulates points toward the class year-end award totals in both classes).